Academic Resources & Library Services

The University of Guelph's McLaughlin Library provides many tools to help students while they are studying, doing research, or writing assignments. Below are links to several helpful utilities, such as grade calculators, information sessions, and access to the library's search engine. Click here if you're looking for non-academic services and tools for students.

Academic & Studying Resources:

  • Learning Strategists/Academic Assistance: The library's learning team will can help you develop skills to study and manage your time more effectively. They will also help you to ehance your performance in academic presentations, group work, and exams! 
  • UAIC Academic Supports: The Undergraudate Academic Information Center has curated a list of academic supports that can help you in your studies including tutors, academic support in residence, the learning commons, and much more!

Academic Tools for Students:

  • Academic Calendars: Academic calendars are great for planning what courses you'll need to graduate. They also provide short descriptions of courses.
  • Guelph's Academic Search Engine: Omni is the main academic search engine used by Guelph students. Unlike Google and other free search engines, Omni provides full access to millions of journals, books, and articles that you would normally have to pay for! Your student fees are partially contributing to the licenses for these journals - be sure to make the most of your money!
  • Course Guides: Every course has a course guide. Course guides often provide links to essential readings, resources, or class materials; some instructors use them for even more. Check them out!
  • Course Reserves: Course Reserves are also used to help students access materials for their courses.
  • Grade Calculator: The grade calculator is a helpful tool that can be used to tabulate and evaluate your grades.

Library Services:

  • Book a study space: It's easy and free! Rooms can be booked up to 48 hours in advance. Study rooms become less available as the semester wears on; if you want a study space, book it early!
  • Contact library staff around the clock: The library has a lot to offer! If you want to talk to someone at the library, you can talk to a member of their staff via their online chat from 8am-10pm on weekdays, or 11am-6pm on weekends. And of course the front desk is staffed so long as the building is open. Click here to check the library's hours.
  • Search the Library for Books: In addition to being Guelph's academic database, Primo is also the Library's electronic catalogue. You don't even need to sign in to check the status and location of any book in the library, or any material in the archive!
  • Click here to log in to your library account.
  • Student Learning Groups (SLGs): Student learning groups are free student-run study groups for courses. They are often run (and frequently visited) by former students who have taken the respective courses, and are extremely valuable resources for academic success. (They're also a great way to get to know people!)

Software for Students & Other Helpful Tools:

Please be sure to also check our academic help hub, as this page is mainly intended for academic resources and tools.

  • Click here to download the Microsoft Office suite for free. This includes Outlook for your school email, as well as OneDrive, Word, Excel, Impress, and so on. Enter your school email address, then log in via the Guelph login hub; you'll be redirected to the Office website where you can click the "Install Office" drop-down in the top right corner of the screen.
  • Student rates on software: Through Guelph, some of the software at that page is discounted - though some of it is discounted only for faculty - for students, such as a subscription to the Adobe Creative Cloud. (Note: Software is provided by a third party.)